Don’t miss out on Healthy Start vouchers and vitamins
Government vouchers worth over £900 per child to support families are unclaimed in the city! Brighton and Hove Food Partnership, Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust and Brighton and Hove City Council’s Children’s Centres have launched a campaign to increase uptake.
You qualify for Healthy Start if you’re at least 10 weeks pregnant or have a child under four years old and you and your family get at least one of the following:
- Income Support
- Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
- Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
- Child Tax Credit (with a family income of £16,190 or less per year)
- Universal Credit (with a family take home pay of £408 or less per month)
You also qualify if you are under 18 and pregnant, even if you don’t get any of the above benefits.
Healthy Start vouchers are worth £3.10 per week, double (£6.20) for babies under one year old.
To find out if you quality it’s simple – you can:
- Call 0345 607 6823
- Visit:
- Drop into your local Children’s Centre
- Contact your midwife or health visitor