Tenant Recommendations
At Tenant Panels in October 2023 and January 2024, tenants raised issues that they had encountered when moving into a Seaside Homes property. Other tenants had raised similar issues via phone, email, and feedback survey.
The Tenant Panel requested a tenant-led in-depth review of the move-in process and this was approved by Seaside staff.
On 9th April Seaside hosted an all-day, in-person event for involved tenants to review the process of moving-in to a Seaside Homes property. A report of recommendations was produced which you can read here. (See below for a summary.)
Seaside Homes have shared the recommendations with the Council’s Temporary Accommodation Team, who are unable to take this forward at present, but will do so when their new team manager is in post. Once we have an agreed Action Plan this will be shared with tenants and the Seaside Board of Trustees.
A big thank you to all tenants who contributed their thoughts and ideas.