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Monthly Prize Draw

The Monthly Prize Draw has drawn to a close.

Thanks to everyone who has entered our monthly prize draw in the past. We are now bringing the monthly prize draw to an end and bringing our focus to the opportunities to win prizes in our quarterly newsletter! The June prize draw winners have been sent their prizes and the monthly prize draw has now closed.

You can win prizes by sending in an entry to our newsletter – why not write an article, send us a local recommendation or enter our recipe or photography competition. Find out more here.

Don’t forget you can also apply for our Gardening, Decorating or New Possibilities schemes.

If you are interested in influencing decision making at Seaside Homes and helping to improve the service for all tenants, then come along to our Tenant Panel meetings, held every 3 months in-person in central Brighton (with an option to join online as well), and we will thank you for your time with a £25 gift voucher. We can also provide support with bus fare and child care costs to support you to attend. If you have any accessibility needs we can offer you more support, just get in touch. Keep an eye out on the “News” page on our website for details of our upcoming meetings.