Brighton & Hove City Council are consulting on the draft Brighton and Hove Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy 2023-2026. This strategy outlines the partnership approach to tackling violence against women and girls in Brighton and Hove.
The consultation is open until 1st January 2024 and is available to complete here:
From the introduction of the consultation:
What do we mean by violence against women and girls?
Violence against women and girls, as set out by the United Nations, is any act of gender-based violence which results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or mental harm or suffering to women and girls.
Crimes of violence against women and girls include domestic abuse, rape and other sexual offences, stalking, ‘honour-based’ abuse (including female genital mutilation, forced marriage and ‘honour’ killings), ‘revenge porn’, ‘upskirting’ and many others.
Why are we focusing on violence against women and girls?
Data shows that women and girls are disproportionately affected by the crimes of violence termed violence against women and girls. Men and boys, and other people who do not identify as women or girls, are victims/survivors of these forms of violence and abuse too. What we do will focus on making all individuals and our communities safer.
The services we provide across the partnership must meet the needs of all victims/survivors and disrupt those who use harmful behaviours, and what we do between 2023 and 2026 must bring about improvements for everybody.
This consultation closes on 1 January 2024. After this date, all feedback will be analysed and considered before a final decision is made by the Equalities, Community Safety and Human Rights Committee, in Spring 2024.