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Monday June 12th and Monday June 19th 2023

11am – 1:15pm at Friends Meeting House, Ship Street

Includes free lunch!

Come along to our "Introduction to Scrutiny" training sessions! We have split this training into two sessions so that we can keep the sessions short and sweet. Please come to both! The second session will lead on from the first. Sign up to attend using the form at the bottom of this page.

We exist as an organisation for our tenants and we want you to feel empowered and listened to. We have a Tenant Panel that meets quarterly to give their input into organisational decisions and raise their concerns. We are now offering another opportunity to get involved and make sure that Seaside Homes are delivering the best possible services. Scrutiny is all about taking a close look at how Seaside is performing and what decisions the organisation is making, and making your voice heard on what improvements or changes you want to see.


We offer Scrutiny in a "Task and Finish" model, meaning you sign up for a specific project of scrutiny. Once it is completed you don't have to get involved with any future scrutiny projects, but you are more than welcome to!


We have arranged for TPAS, tenant engagement experts, to run one-off, face-to-face training sessions for Seaside tenants on 12th June and 19th June. This is an "Introduction to Scrutiny" session and it will mean you feel ready and confident for your first scrutiny project.

Training Programme Outline

Sign ups for this event have closed.